With the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) as declared by WHO (World Health Organisation) on the 11 th Feb, 2020, the hospital has taken several measures to comply with Health authorities’ protocols related to containment and mitigation measures to handle the pandemic as listed below:-

1. Two (2) senior doctors were deputed to attend Training of Trainers (TOTs) at NE IGRIHMS, Shillong relating to preparedness due to Covid-19 pandemic held on 10th March 2020.

2. A General Staff meeting to highlight about covid-19 including training programme on preventive measures againstCovid-19 was held on 12 th March, 2020 imparted by Dr Mebanaibor Kharkongor and Dr Banhiam C. Kharrngi, the Nodal Officers for Covid-19 of the Hospital.

3. This led to the renovation of Armala Ward temporarily converted to Covid-19 Isolation Ward as this was considered as the most essential related to Covid-19
disease to deal with the prevention and containment measures. The Isolation Ward consists of 30 beds, 7 HDUs and 3 beds with Ventilators, installation of central line oxygen (medical gas) etc. Funds for the renovation of the ARI clinic was partially met from donation received from K’Tiew Elm Trust, UK under FCRA 2020-2021
amounting Rs 21,02,956 ( Twenty One Lakhs, Two Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifty Six). The new ARI Clinic was inaugurated on the 15 TH October, 2020 by Shri. Barkos Warjri IAS (Retd) and State Chief Information Commissioner while the dedication was done by Rev. L. Nongsiej, Member Hospital Governing Board.

4. Medical Experts of the State Government visited the hospital to ascertain preparatory arrangement made in connection with Isolation Ward, Acute Respiratory Infection Clinic (ARI). Later, Government identification No.Health.99/2020/12 dated 28 th March, 2020 designated the Hospital for Covid-19 suspects and infected cases and to put in place protocol in handling such cases from time to time.

5. The Government of Meghalaya vide order No.Health.90/2020/2 dated 29 th March, 2020 nominated Dr Mebanaibor Kharkongor, Consultant as one of the expert
member of the State Level Medical Committee with the ToR to provide advice and guidance to the Government and other Medical Practitioners in handling the
treatment of Covid-19 infected patients and assess various lines of treatment used and recommended by the other affected states and countries etc.

6. Trainings, demonstration and mock drills were conducted in the Wards of the hospital for different category staff and their identified roles, responsibilities. Use of
PPEs, hand hygiene, social distancing norms and respiratory etiquette was the main thrusts of the deliberations.

7. Immediately thereafter social distancing practice, hand hygiene initiated in the OPDs for patients, installation of water tank and basins for hand washing and Triaging area (makeshift) at the Main Hospital entrance and Emergency for screening Non- covid from suspected covid cases.

8. To enforce compliance and strict social distancing/ gatherings norms certain restrictions are in place such as limiting to only one attendant against one patient
admitted and entry of visitors restricted.

9. In order to reduce number of staff in the Nursing Service/ School of Nursing/ Administration/ Supportive Services and to ensure sustenance of having adequate
number of workforce on duty, the implementation of a flexible shifting duty roster was introduced which shall revert back once the situation has improved.

10. However, to ensure availability of staff round the clock and without compromising on quality services to the patients, staff were directed to exercise restraints for
availing leave except under emergency and unavoidable circumstances with the approval of the Medical Superintendent.

11. Procurement of medical equipment, PPEs, disinfectants and sanitation items was initiated to meet emergency situations in case there is a surge among patients
suspected, infected due to covid-19.

12. With Government’s instructions to closedown Schools and Institutions in the State due to covid-19, the Students of School of Nursing were also asked to vacate the
Hostel w.e.f 17 th March, 2020 for their Hometown after informingtheir parents/wards the need to comply. However, because of manpower constraints the Government issued directive to recall only the 3 rd year students by 23 rd March, 2020 to engage them on 108 Emergency duty of the State Government.

13. Temporary suspension of OPD services and non-emergency procedures and surgeries w.e.f 16 th April,2020 was made to avoid spread of the disease except on
emergency and patients needing medical prescription and refill.

14. On 24 th and 28 th April, 2020 Medical Superintendent and Administrative Officer attended meetings at the Directorate of Health Services Complex, Shillong to discuss
matters related to covid-19 and the Administrative Officer requested the Government to provide assistance to the non-profit, Missionary Hospital to overcome the crises either through flexible blocking of medical packages under AB PMJAY- MHIS, the issue also taken up in the meeting with the Hon’ble Health Minister held on 6 th April, 2020.

15. As a preventive measure to contain the spread of the disease Doctors, Nurses, Paramedical Staff doing roster duty in Isolation ward are being provided
accommodation in the Hospital, Nursing Hostel, and Guest House including food arrangement provided by the Hospital at a nominal cost.

16. In the midst of uncertainties as how do we cope up with the financial requirement in meeting the above unexpected exigencies and concern for payment of salary of the
employees of the hospital and other committed expenditures and with no expectations as to when the Hospital Governing Board will be held we are left with
no choice but to make difficult and hard decisions understanding fully well that we can always rebuild the economy but we can never revive the dead.

17. Weekly covid-19 update meeting with the HoDs/In charge of all Wards & Departments is held to discuss and update on matter relating to the pandemic.

18. Special mention is to be made that the State Government, NHM (National Health Mission), religious Institutions, NGOs, Individuals, Well-wishers, Doctors including
oversees contribution came forward to donate cash and kind for meeting the preparatory measures for containment of spread of the disease in the form of medical equipment, PPEs related, civil works, staff salary, poor patient fund to name a few.

19. The hospital being designated for treating Covid-19 patients by the State Government, and in its capacity with the permission from the State Government has
extended its services by providing True Nat testing facilities w.e.f 30.11.2020 and obtained final approval by ICMR on 22 nd April,2021.

20. With the surge in covid-19 cases in the State, the Hospital realising the need for expansion of covid wards to be able to cater to the spike in covid cases it was
extended to total bed strength of 50 beds plus 10 ICU beds.

21. As on 31 st May, 2021 the number of Covid beds have been ramped up to 60(sixty), 10 (ten) beds with ventilators, 27(twenty seven) beds with Oxygen and 23 twenty
three) beds without Oxygen.

22. The expansion in the number of Covid beds in the Hospital has also had its impact on trained man power, accommodation, transport and other logistic supports and
this was made possible through the intervention of the Hospital Governing Board that the KJP Assembly permitted the proposal of sending appeals for donations from
churches, individuals, well-wishers and NGOs and prompt responses of donations specific to Covid-19 Fund, Poor Patient Fund and Covid-19 Poor Patient Funds.

23. The Hospital wishes to place on records the continued supports from various individuals, Churches, Public representatives, NGOs, KJPA, Rotary Club. NEEPCO,
NHM, the State Government assistances from time to time in number of ways such as financial assistance including cash, equipment, PPEs, Oxygen cylinders, Oxygen
concentrators, Dialysis machine, PA Systems, to name a few.

Following is data of Covid- 19 Patients admitted

We hope and pray that God will continue to shower His countless Blessings as we strive to move forward in fulfilling the vision and mission of the Healing Ministry by the Hospital.