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Life in the times of COVID-19

The lull and the tide in unpredictable manner confuse us. The lull and tide of life. When COVID-19 was first announced in 2019, most people across the world panicked. World leaders tries to convince people that we will survive this. World leaders also blamed each...

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The Children’s ward in the Hospital was established many years ago by the financial supports of NGOs both from within and outside the country. It has been reported that Meghalaya is one of the highest states in the country that has a maternal death count of 182 per...

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Another milestone that merits to place on record for improving quality care and demonstrate commitment in the service provided is when the Hospital was certified the certificate under NABL (National Accreditation Board of Laboratories) that enable to conduct Covid-19...

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CENTENARY CELEBRATION (1922-2022). To commemorate the Hospital reaching another mile stone of completing 100 years of existence in serving the people in the field of health care the Hospital Governing Board has constituted various committees/sub committees viz. the...

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